Issue 36 - September 8, 2007
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Beyond the Black Stump Blog
- More new sites of interest!
computer museum
Green Energy News
news and commentary on the world of clean, efficient, and renewable energy since 1996
Tree Hugger
find all you need to go green
Genie Knows Games
search the web for games
all your gaming news and reviews
Emergency-Kit Essentials
and Chart of First-Aid Procedures
The Universe in the Classroom
electronic educational newsletter is for teachers and other educators
instantly spell check your text online
History of Writing
when it became necessary to count ones property
Windows Freeware
focus on the lesser known freeware applications
AllinOne News
search 1800 news engines from 200 countries
The History of Rock 'n' Roll
The Golden Decade 1954 to 1963
Map of Strange
Strange things in Google Maps
19 million reviews on 2 million products
pages in Wikipedia which are receiving the most edits per unique editor
A really fast dictionary
911 Myths
reading between the lies
search Australian restaurants
War Art Collection - Australia
war art program commissioned 35 artists, of whom three were women
Uncommon Lives
series on famous and not so famous Australians as revealed in records held by the National Archives